How to find information intuitively?


Discovering valuable information on the Afriwise platform is an intuitive process.

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Follow these steps to navigate the platform effortlessly and access the information you need.

  1. Log in and Choose Your Country:
    After logging into Afriwise, select your desired country to focus on the specific legal framework and regulations relevant to that jurisdiction.
  2. Explore Categories:
    Once on the country page, you'll find a list of categories on the right-hand side. Alternatively, you can select your category at the top of the page. Choose the category that aligns with your research interests.
  3. Navigate Within the Category:
    On the category page, you'll find a well-organized and easily navigable layout. At the top, you'll see the category name, followed by subcategories and topics. The information is neatly structured for quick access.
  4. Explore Topics and Q&A:
    Under each topic, you'll find various Q&A sections. To get an overview of the information available, scroll through the category and familiarize yourself with the content.
  5. View Specific Questions:
    Click on a specific question to view its details. For instance, if you select "General Overview and Trends" under the "Data Protection" topic, you'll find a list of main laws governing data protection, accompanied by brief descriptions in plain language.
  6. Access Legislation:
    Should you wish to download copies of relevant legislation, click on the "Relevant Legislation" option on the right-hand side. You'll find a comprehensive list of legislation, available in various formats, including searchable HTML, downloadable PDFs, and original or translated versions for non-English-speaking countries.
  7. Explore Q&A Section:
    Scrolling down will lead you to the Q&A section, where additional information and insights are available, providing a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
  8. Consistent User Experience:
    Afriwise maintains a consistent look and feel across all categories, ensuring a seamless user experience throughout the platform.


Easy Navigation

The intuitive layout and organization of information on Afriwise make navigation effortless, allowing users to quickly find the information they seek.


Comprehensive Coverage

With well-structured categories and Q&A sections, users gain a comprehensive understanding of various legal topics.


Multiple Format Options

Accessing legislation in different formats, including translations, provides flexibility and caters to diverse user preferences.



Time Savings

Afriwise's user-friendly design streamlines the information discovery process, saving valuable research time.



Finding information intuitively on the Afriwise platform enhances the user experience and ensures efficient access to valuable legal insights.


By following the steps above and exploring the well-structured categories and Q&A sections, users can effortlessly discover comprehensive information tailored to their specific research needs.


Afriwise's commitment to consistent user experience, multiple format options for legislation, and intuitive navigation makes it a reliable and efficient tool for legal professionals, researchers, and businesses.