Intellectual Property

It is essential for any new business or one expanding into or exporting to a new territory to proactively protect its intellectual property. This product sets out the requirements for protecting and enforcing the main types of intellectual property in each country, including copyright, trademarks, designs and patents. It also includes an overview of the nature, duration and scope of protection, including beyond borders, as well as information on how to transfer and assign intellectual property rights.

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The following topics are covered in the Intellectual Property product for each country (click to expand):
Intellectual Property
  • 1General Overview
  • 2Main types of IP Rights

Practical Q&A format

This product contains detailed and up-to-date local guidance, in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, in relation to the registration, maintenance and protection of intellectual property in a particular African country. If you have a question that is not answered, we’ll source the response for you. Sample questions include:
Question - Afriwise
What are the latest intellectual property trends and developments in the country, including any proposals for reform?
Question - Afriwise
What are the requirements for copyright protection?
Question - Afriwise
On what grounds can a third party oppose the registration of a trademark?
Question - Afriwise
Can a design be the subject of a security interest?
Question - Afriwise
What are the requirements to transfer or assign a patent?
Question - Afriwise
When does trademark protection start and how long does it last?

Benefits of Intellectual Property

If you wish to protect your trademarks, designs and/or inventions in a particular African country, the Afriwise platform, and this product in particular, is a must. Afriwise is more powerful than any other solution as it provides accurate, up-to-date and plain-language guidance in relation to all your questions, is interactive, and also notifies you when there are legal updates you should be aware of.
Afriwise subscribers benefit from:
  • 24/7 access to our online platform
  • detailed practical guidance and insights on all aspects of this area of law
  • overviews of the applicable laws and upcoming changes, as well as alerts to important legal developments
  • downloadable copies of all relevant laws and regulations
  • direct access to vetted local intellectual property law experts
  • valuable tools such as a powerful search engine with relevant filters
  • country comparisons
  • a clarification-request tool
  • note-taking
  • ... and much more.
Gain full visibility across the local intellectual property law landscape.

Afriwise connects organisations to outstanding quality and up-to-date legal, risk and business information and local expertise for African countries. We give you deep understanding about African markets, online, and help you proactively comply with local regulations.

Our award-winning solution offers an innovative way to source key information about intellectual property law and practice in a particular African country.

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