Employment and Labour

From establishment as an employer through to termination of employment, this product provides a practical overview of local requirements and key considerations when it comes to employing locals and foreigners. Aspects covered include employment contracts, compliance, tax, disciplinary and termination procedures, employee rights and benefits, health and safety, the impact of major transactions on employees, and protection of confidential information and intellectual property.

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The following topics are covered in the Employment and Labour product for each country (click to expand):
Employment and Labour
  • 1General principles
  • 2Pre-Hire Considerations
  • 3Employment Contracts
  • 4Employee Rights and Conditions
  • 5Employer-Specific Matters
  • 6Disciplinary Measures and Termination

Practical Q&A format

The product offers detailed and up-to-date guidance in a simple to use question and answer format. If you have a question that is not answered, we’ll source the response for you. Sample questions include:
Question - Afriwise
Can employers benefit from any grants or incentives for hiring employees?
Question - Afriwise
Can employers carry out background checks on applicants?
Question - Afriwise
Are there any restrictions on the use of labour brokers/temporary employment services?
Question - Afriwise
Are there any restrictions on the types of positions foreign employees can fill?
Question - Afriwise
Are there situations where labour authorities or courts deem employment?
Question - Afriwise
Are probation periods allowed? If so, are they common?
Question - Afriwise
Are restraint of trade/non-compete clauses allowed in employment contracts?
Question - Afriwise
Can an employment contract between a local employer and a foreign employee be governed by a legal system other than local law?
Question - Afriwise
Must employers provide health insurance/medical aid to employees?
Question - Afriwise
If labour unions are recognised, how powerful are they?
Question - Afriwise
What is the prescription period for health and safety violations?
Question - Afriwise
Who owns intellectual property created by employees in the scope of their employment?
Question - Afriwise
What disciplinary measures can employers take against employees?
Question - Afriwise
What grounds for termination are recognised?
Question - Afriwise
What is the procedure for mass layoffs/collective redundancy?

Benefits of Employment and Labour

For those responsible for any element of human resources and employment, the Afriwise platform is a must. Afriwise is more powerful than any other solution as it accurately delivers you up-to-date and plan language guidance in relation to all your questions, is interactive and notifies you when there are legal updates you should be aware of.
Afriwise subscribers benefit from:
  • 24/7 access to our online platform
  • detailed practical guidance and insights on all aspects of this area of law
  • overviews of the applicable laws and upcoming changes, as well as alerts
  • to important legal developments
  • downloadable copies of all relevant laws and regulations
  • direct access to vetted local employment law experts
  • valuable tools such as a powerful search engine with relevant filters
  • country comparisons
  • clarification request tool
  • note-taking
  • ... and much more.
Gain full visibility across the local employment and labour law landscape. Work intelligently, together. Access to Afriwise ensures you proactivily manage and mitigate your HR, people and workplace-related risks.

Afriwise connects organisations with outstanding quality and up-to-date legal, risk and business information and local expertise about African countries. We help you understand African markets and comply with local regulations.

Our award-winning solution offers an innovative way to source and stay up to date with all the information necessary to ensure compliance with local employment laws and regulations in various African countries.

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