Navigating the legal and compliance landscape when establishing and running a business can be challenging, and a failure to meet the
requirements can lead to hefty fines and jail time. Business Structures product covers the local intricacies involved
in forming, running and dissolving a business and provides an in-depth overview of the various structures available to locals and
foreigners, as well as their key features and typical issues.
Do you want to access this information, contact us now:
The following topics are covered in the Business Structures product for each country (click to expand):
This product contains detailed and up-to-date local guidance, in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, in relation to the establishment, maintenance, governance and closing of companies and other business structures. If you have a question that is not answered, we’ll source the response for you. Sample questions include:
What are the minimum share capital requirements for different types of companies?
What steps need to be followed to incorporate a company in the country?
What are the key composition requirements for the board of directors?
What are the quorum and majority requirements for different types of corporate decisions?
What is the prescription period for liability claims against directors?
What reporting by companies is required and what must be included in such reports?
Are unincorporated joint ventures common? If so, can they be registered and do any specific laws apply?
Can a foreign company conduct business directly? If so, are there any registration requirements or good reasons to register?
Are there any specific rules that regulate the governance of associations?
Benefits of Business Structures
For those responsible for structuring their company’s operations or for any element of corporate governance, the Afriwise platform is a must. Afriwise is more powerful than any other solution as it provides accurate, up-to-date and plain-language guidance in relation to all your questions, is interactive, and also notifies you when there are legal updates you should be aware of.
Afriwise subscribers benefit from:
24/7 access to our online platform
detailed practical guidance and insights on all aspects of this area of law
overviews of the applicable laws and upcoming changes, as well as alerts to important legal developments
downloadable copies of all relevant laws and regulations
direct access to vetted local corporate law experts
valuable tools such as a powerful search engine with relevant filters
country comparisons
a clarification-request tool
... and much more.
Gain full visibility and clarity across the local company law landscape.
Afriwise connects organisations to outstanding quality and up-to-date legal, risk and business
information and local expertise for African countries. We give you deep understanding about African
markets, online, and help you proactively comply with local regulations.
Our award-winning solution offers an innovative way to source and stay up to date with all the
information necessary to ensure compliance with local corporate laws in various African countries.