Commercial Crime

With the risk of prisonsentences and large fines, both for companies and their directors, it isessential to know when corporate entities, their shareholders, directors, legalrepresentatives and senior executives can be held liable for their acts or omissions,and those of others.

The Commercial Crime productconsiders these aspects, as well as others, such as whether local law reachesbeyond borders, if there are proactive compliance and disclosure requirementsfor businesses, as well as elements of specific offences, such as fraud,corruption, insider trading and money laundering.

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Sacranie, Gow & Co
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Gain the upper-hand with our extensive offering

Legal frameworks

Laws & Monitoring

The solution designed to simplify legal research and keep you informed across multiple jurisdictions.
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Legal Intelligence

360° Intelligence

More than the law, you get practical guidance, tailored comparison reports, request clarifications from top law firms, and much more.
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Coming Soon

Compliance Toolbox

This offering will create a one-stop-shop solution for both legal content and intelligence as well as compliance risk management.