Exchange Control

As environmental liability becomes more commonplace, it is becoming indispensable for every business to understand itsobligations and in what circumstances it and its directors, members, officers,and/or employees may be held liable for harm.

This product sets out the key legalobligations, including which permits are required for particular activities,the relevant reporting and disclosure requirements, as well as the sanctionsfor violations and details of who can be held accountable, including for anypre-acquisition environmental liabilities.

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Mayet & Associates
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Legal frameworks

Laws & Monitoring

The solution designed to simplify legal research and keep you informed across multiple jurisdictions.
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Legal Intelligence

360° Intelligence

More than the law, you get practical guidance, tailored comparison reports, request clarifications from top law firms, and much more.
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Coming Soon

Compliance Toolbox

This offering will create a one-stop-shop solution for both legal content and intelligence as well as compliance risk management.